Reservoir pressure maintenance pumps control complex

Reservoir pressure maintenance pumps control complex

The reservoir pressure maintenance pumps control complex (RPMP CC) is designed for soft start and controlling the performance of the reservoir pressure maintenance pumps.

Regulation of pump performance is carried out by high-voltage frequency converters, by controlling the frequency of rotation of electric motors U = 3, 6, or 10 kV, each of which provides a drive for one pump. RPMP CC can be operated in the harsh field conditions of oil fields.

Implementation of RPMP CC will provide:
- effective injection of the working agent into the reservoir to create the necessary artificial pressure regime;
- accurate maintenance of reservoir pressure, which will ensure enhanced oil recovery and speed up the field development process;
- saving electrical energy;
- increase in reliability of operation and extension of the service life of electric motors, as well as the pumps driven by them by reducing mechanical loads during direct starts;
- reducing the accident rate of equipment and reducing the cost of repairs and maintenance, as well as reducing emergency production downtime;
- automated optimization of technological parameters with the possibility of integration into the APCS of the enterprise.
The principle of operation of RPMP CC is based on the automatic control of the equipment of the complex by the group control station (GCS) on commands from the APCS to ensure a soft start and control of the rotation frequency of three-phase asynchronous electric motors of pump drives, high-voltage HVFCA frequency converters.

The complex is controlled by the group control station of the complex remotely, according to commands from the APCS.

The main elements of the RPMP CC:
- High-voltage frequency converter
- High-voltage switching equipment
- Group control station
- Mobile building

The equipment of the complex is controlled by the group control station of the complex remotely, by commands from the APCS.
Reservoir pressure maintenance pumps control complex
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